Wed 08 Jan
—————————— @Smoking hot@ ———————— Blonde ——————————— Beauty —————————— Very Very SEXY ————————— - 19
LAsT DAyS!!!Real Alexa......PARTY GIRL.......Limited time in LA - 22
(Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Santa monica City By the promenade)
☆ ;·.¸.·´¯* SUPER H☆T·. (( 100% REAL )) .·☆ P_L_A_Y_M_A_T_E .·´¯ *☆ - 19
(San Jose / South Bay, SUNNYVALE/ SAN JOSE)
*VIP Playmate** BUSTY Blonde !! *PETITE & Sweet & SEXY*--> NO AGENCY !! - 27
(ONLY Your Place-->all LA)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Sun Kissed BLONDE Bombshell★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★EXOTIC★ ★ FUN★ ★ ★ ★ - 21
(Huntington Beach, seal beach,hb,westminster,gg)
** __ Spicy ** and __ Sexy ** __ .LATiNA. 8O/1OO/16O SPECiALS. __ **Spicy __ and ** Sexy __ ** - 21
(Westminster Ins/Outs)
NewNewNew!!!!!💥💥👉Exotic Beauty 😍😍 Amber🔥🔥 Come explore 👀😏some New Treasures 😘😘💥💥 - 22
(Beverly Hills)
** BEAUTIFUL [[[ ♥ ]]] BLONDE * * everything you want plus MORE. the TOUCH you CRAVE. - 20
(San Fernando Valley, SC -Valencia -Stevenson Ranch in/out)
34DD - 23 - 34 DoLLFace ..Gorgeous Body, Drama Free. . PERFECTION in everyway!! Incall / SFV - 27
(Van Nuys, SFV)
[[ 1oO% ~ RAL! ]] ★ [[ SxY! ]] && [[ ßÂUi FUL! ]] ★ [[ SuPr KiNk¥! ]] - 19
(San Fernando Valley, *-★...1O1FwY && STuDiO CiTy xO)
Im ALWAYS Considerate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 U Private Outcall . . . . . .GOREGEOUS - 22
(Los Angeles, outcall to you)
_____________ ___ BOYS PLAY __★___ WITH TOYS __★___ MEN PLAY __★___ WITH ME ___ ★_ __________ ______ - 19
(Pasadena, 210 Frwy// Pasadena Incalls Now!!)
((**beautiful busty brunette exotix)) real girl don't be fooled by fake)* - 25
(Los Angeles, santa monica downtown la' studio city et)
👅 Your Newest addiction😍😋NEW PICS📸 Lets have somebody fun👄🍆 Curvy🏆 Come play🏄🏽🌊 - 23
(Babylon, Copaigue, Long Island)
My birthday weekend $ 60 incall special and $200 outcall special - 27
(San Antonio, Wurzbach and I 10)
( SuPr Sx¥ ) ✰ D0LL _FaCd_ CuT¡ ♥ ( 1oO% RaL) ✰ NiC3 _ BoOt¥ ..BLONdE - 24
(Long Island, HOLTSVILLE)
Call Me 210-858-6160 %%%%% Sexy ^^^^^ Hot Asian Girl ^^^^^ Ivy %%%%% Outcall Only - 22
(San Antonio, Outcall Only)
~~> Very Certified ,.':" SnowWhite "China" ~~> No Games This is the Best Nana around !!!!! - 19
(Norfolk, Va beach & Norfolk area)
*★EvErY BoY's WiSh ★EvErY HuSbAnD's SeCreT ★EvErY MaN's FaNt@sY★ - 21
(Salt Lake City, West valley city)
💃🍸🍸~PaRtyiNg LaTe NiGhT EaRlY MoRNiNg? I'LL Be ThEre BaBy!!~🍸🍸💃 - 22
(Downtown / West End, Vancouver)
New pics hot blond working biggest boobs xo New Pics - 40
(Delta / Surrey / Langley, Surrey vancouver, Vancouver)
Mediterranean Goddess Natural Busty G Cup 1 New Pic blog Jan - 35
(Downtown / West End, Downtown,Westend, Yaletown, Richmond,, Vancouver)
100% promise ❣ “~Sexy~”❣~💎24 yrs old Emma & 20 yrs old Vivi💎~❣ “~Sexy~”❣ - 20
(Delta / Surrey / Langley, surrey, Vancouver)
chantel canns hot busty blond playmate New Pics 34 n cup xo working all weekened.. - 40
(City of Vancouver, surrey vancouver, Vancouver)
Available to Midnight Mediterranean Goddess Natural Busty G Cup New Pics blog Dec9 - 35
(Downtown / West End, Vancouver, Yaletown, Richmond)
___ The Upscale Alternative -- P O S H -- Adult Management for those seeking a Lifestyle change - 99
(Vancouver, various locations)
🚗❣️st.thomas c.u.m the best PROMISE.pick me up in car or truck n ill show u how good i n f.k - 29
(London, St.Thomas car n out calls n outs london)
Good morning ☀️🌈 ✨🙋🏽🙋🏽miss 🙋🏽LEXY 🙋🏽3065273513 💃🏽💯 💃🏽💯💃🏽sexy and naughty just for you - 26
💋✨BRAND 🆕✨💋✋🏾 ШѦRNⓘNG ✋🏾 uℓtiℳαtε ✘ ρℓαγMαtε ✘ ✨502-251-1274✨ 👌🏾SKiLLŞ👌🏾👣👣 ρυRε💎 ρℓ℮αδυRε Frεαkγ♋️ - 26
(Provo, Provo 💋💋)
🎀° ExxOtic Perfection 👅💦FeTiSh FriEnDLy👄 [[1OO%REAL]] Outcalls Avail NOW 🎀*All Night Fun - 21
(Bellevue, City of Seattle, Olympia, Outcalls now!:), Renton, Seattle, Tacoma)
((=PinK PuSSy=)) ..-:¦:-.. ((=SoFt SkiN=)) ..-:¦:-.. ((=JuiCy LiPs=) )..-:¦:-.. ((=SeXy HiPs=)) - 22
Luscious Lips *Face of Angel Small waist Body of a GoDess Vip Ceo o/c Spec.Naughtiest 5*Freak Petite - 27
(Portland, Dwntwn pdx vanc airport west hills lakeO)
💦👅 E X O T I C MiXED bombshell in BEAVERTON! I'm E V E R Y thing you're looking for 💦👅 - 21
(Portland, 158th)
Incall! Online $hows w/ B a M b i i 😘❤️💃🏼 Skype/FT Shows 🎥 Cam Girl 📸 Pic/Vid sales 🌟 - 26
Bubbly cutie 🍭sweet girl next door type ❤️ LOOKING FOR A SELECT FEW REGULAR GENTLEMEN TO VISIT 😙 - 27
~•~ 1OO SpEcIaL ~ BlOnDe & BuStY PlAyMaTe ~ Short Notice OK ~•~ - 28
(Portland, Vancouver Portland (IN/OUT))
Special Rates 4 The CIGAR LOVERS w The Amazing ***AVA*** BACHELOR Parties N Private Dances - 27
(Poconos, LakeHarmony,Bartonsville WindGap Milford)
↗☆҉ ρℓαγmαtε in Town ☆҉↘↗҉ ☆A Gentleman's Choice . ҉↗☆҉ LATiNA ҉↗☆100 - 28
(San Jose / South Bay, In Santa Clara/Out Call S.Jose/SfBay)
EXOTIC Brazilian & Puerto rican/Italian BEAUTYS in town for the night ~ VERY LIMITED - 20
(San Gabriel Valley, PASADENA/ Arcadia Area <3)
*¨¨*-:¦: ThIS *-:¦:-* GiRl*¨¨*-:¦: IS*-:¦:- *AmAzInG*¨¨*- :¦:MUST TRY*-:¦: - 18
(Phx North, 15th Ave Missouri)
🛬💥Columbian👑ℰ❌ℂℒUЅiVℰ🔥🍓 √¡ρ Tяεα†mεη† 🚀☆ 🙈🎀ⓝⓐⓤⓖⓗⓣⓨ 😈👅💦5⭐️ Service░ - 21 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Sepulveda blvd Sherman Oaks)
2 Barbies Bikini Days 👙👗👜 ---- Playful Nights 💋 - 22
(Hollywood, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, West Hollywood / Your Oasis, Westside)
You Know You Want Her! SASHA! Curvy White Girl ($70 Special) - 35
(San Fernando Valley, North Hills / SFV / 818)
(¯`_. |: Sm0kiN HoTT DyNoMiTE -- 6O SPECIALS -- PeTiTE Blonde PLayMate :| ._´¯) - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, O/C~ U Host *SPECIALS* I/C~ Central Phx)
Sexy brunette awaits you !!!!!' - 24
(Central/South Phoenix, Central/ Osborn ( upscale outcalls ) !!!)
► nAUgHTy hOTTiE wITH a BaNGiNG bODy ◄ sKiLLs YoU cAnT FiND PLeaSuRe yOU CanT MeaSuRe - 22
(My PLACE 60 & Dobson O/C Your PLACE)
IM BaCK DiD U MiSS ME☆ These 60 SPECIALS Are HoTT! ☆ * TiGhT PiNK * & WETT - 22
(I/C *I10 & University* O/C YouR PLaCE)
(*★*) Ill Make Your FANTASY A REALITY & Your WETT DREAMS Come True *TGIF SPECIALS (*★*) - 22
(I/C * 60 & DoBSoN* O/C YoU HoST :))
****SExy female wants something ToO ***play with:p ASAP**!!! incallsONLY***** - 23
(City of San Diego, Beach Area)
✿ . All This SexXxyness Available NoW! Pure PLEaSurE * Young & TighT 60 SPECIALS ✿ - 22
(I/C ONLY * 60 & DoBSoN*)
AdM_A_d_E__ o★o° _ F_O_R_ °o★o° _Y_O_ U_R_ °o★o° _P_L_E_A _ S_U_R_Eೋ•*☆ 50 specials - 20
(East Valley, near AZ mills)
💙💚💜💖 Princess Leah... Xo , ⏪duos w/ 💋ALYSSA ROYALTY 👑 ---BE BACK MAY 2ND🌐 - 21
(Belleville, IN && OUTCALLS, Peterborough)
★$250Hr For 2 ExoTiC STrippers Call 647 769-6816 📒📒📒📒📒 WebsiTe STAGSTORONTO ANGELEYEZ.CA 📒📒 - 20
(Barrie, Niagara Region, Peterborough, Sault Ste Marie, 📒📒 WE HAVE PARTIES ALL OVER ONTARIO 📒📒)
❖◆❖P O L I S H ❖ S T U N N E R ❖◆❖ 【HYPN0TiZiNG curves】 ★ ⋰⋱⋰ ✧✫P3RF3CT BuM✫✧ ⋱⋰⋱★ ★ • • - 20
(INCALLS ONLY-1HR min booking CHEMONG RD, Peterborough)
im the best part of waking up.BLONDES HAVE MORE FUNN,morning specials 309-648-3096 - 23
(Peoria, peoria,and surrounding areas)
~*~*A G00d KiTTy is A B@d KiTTy Th@T D0e$n'T G3t C@uGhT*~*~ - 28
(Panama City, Panama City Beach, PC, Surrounding)
🏝📞📞🏝NEW PriVate MassAge🏝📞📞🏝💖👍👍 IN/OUT CALLS👍👍 💃🏻Exotic Asian Massage💃Open-minded👍👍 - 29
(Ottawa, ottawa central)
Last day In Ottawa🔥Party Girl🔥Indian💅💋⭐️Open Mind💎🍃🌸🎀 Upscale🎀STUNNING🐰🔥💕💅 - 23
(Downtown/Montreal Road, Ottawa)
Cynthia 💋 INCALL ONLY AYLMER!! Your new favorite Carribean Girl🌴 5 star service ⭐️ LEAVING MAY 1ST - 22
(Aylmer, gatineau, ottawa, Ottawa)
HiGh MAintEnce🏆ToP Quailty😍SuPEr So@K€r MoDEL* - 21
(Hattiesburg, Trucker Parking-Mo@n!ng on Your Po!€🏊)